As workplaces worldwide work to create an inclusive environment, it’s important to ensure that neurodivergent employees and contractors are supported. Here are five simple ways to welcome and support neurodivergent employees in your business or organization.
From creating flexible working environments to providing ongoing training, these tips will help you create a supportive atmosphere where everyone can thrive.
Inclusivity in the Workplace: 5 Simple Ways to Welcome Neurodivergent Employees
In recent years, diversity and inclusivity have become hot topics in the workplace. Companies are beginning to realize that having a diverse workforce leads to more collaboration and creativity and makes good business sense.
However, while many organizations focus on diversity in terms of race, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality, there is another group that is often overlooked: neurodivergent individuals.
Neurodiversity refers to people whose brains work differently than what is considered ‘normal’ or ‘typical.’ This can include individuals with conditions like autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and Tourette’s syndrome. Businesses that proactively create a supportive work environment for neurodiverse candidates (and existing neurodivergent workers) will likely reap numerous benefits.
Let’s note, it is estimated that up to 20% of the population is neurodivergent, which means a considerable talent pool can be tapped into if employers are open and accommodating.
Additionally, studies have shown that neurodiverse individuals can possess unique skills and a competitive advantage that can be highly beneficial to employers. For example, people on the autism spectrum are often highly detail-oriented and analytical, making them well-suited for data analysis or software development roles. Those with ADHD may excel in high-pressure jobs that others may find overwhelming due to their ability to thrive in fast-paced work environments.
Let’s dive into five of the simplest ways any business or organization can make their workplace accommodating and appealing to neurodivergent candidates, as well as support neurodivergent employees that are already with the company.
1: Offer Flexible Working Arrangements
Flexibility is key when it comes to creating inclusive workplace environments. Many neurodiverse workers struggle with sensory overload, and many workplaces can be overwhelming and overly stimulating.
Having the option of flexible work schedules, working from home (or another quiet space) occasionally, or taking breaks throughout the day can help reduce stress levels for neurodiverse talent and make them feel more comfortable and accepted.
2: Provide Accessible Technology
It is important to provide technology that is easy for everyone in the workplace to use, regardless of ability. This could include larger fonts on documents, screen reading software, or extra keyboard shortcuts.
Additionally, providing ergonomic office furniture can help those with physical impairments do their jobs more comfortably.
3: Develop Training
Neurodiverse people are often highly skilled but may need additional training to be successful in the workplace. Offering ongoing training and support can help neurodiverse employee engagement and productivity.
Many organizations provide mentorship programs specifically for neurodiverse candidates or offer one-on-one coaching to help them develop the skills needed.
4: Adjust Performance Expectations
It is important not to expect all neurodiverse employees to perform at the same level as everyone else, as they may need more time to process information and complete tasks. Instead, focus on setting goals tailored to their strengths and weaknesses.
Additionally, look for areas where they can excel and do their best work, such as problem-solving or quality improvement.
5: Create a Supportive Community
Creating a more inclusive environment of support and acceptance is important for all employees, especially those with neurodivergence. Encourage open dialogue among coworkers and provide resources to help neurodivergent individuals feel safe in the workplace.
It’s worth noting that networking opportunities and mentorship programs can do wonders for building a strong sense of community and camaraderie.
These initiatives provide excellent avenues for employees to connect with one another and feel like they’re part of something bigger than themselves. If you’re looking for ways to enhance your company culture, it might be worth considering implementing some of these programs.
It is beneficial for both employees and organizations to create an inclusive workplace for individuals who are neurodivergent. By following these tips, you can create a supportive environment that welcomes everyone, regardless of any neurological differences.
As more companies recognize the value of neurodiversity, more individuals can feel appreciated and accepted for who they are.