How To Know If Your Website Has Decent (or Good) Copywriting


Good copywriting is the cornerstone of effective online communication, harmoniously blending creativity with strategic marketing materials to captivate the audience’s attention. 

It’s a powerful tool in your arsenal that can dramatically improve user engagement, elevate brand perception, and drive conversions. 

When the written content on your website resonates with readers, providing them value and clarity, you can confidently say your copy is beyond just decent—it’s compelling. 

This post will guide you through the hallmarks of good copywriting and how to ascertain if your website’s content measures up to these professional standards.

What is Copywriting?

If you need a refresher, copywriting is the fine art of writing persuasive content that motivates readers to take action—whether purchasing a product, filling out an online form, or subscribing to a company newsletter. It’s an essential aspect of marketing and advertising that aims to influence customer behavior using the written word.

Simply put, the caption on an Instagram post, a magazine ad, and even the script read by an actor in an infomercial are all examples of some aspect of copywriting.

However, when it comes to your website, the need for quality copywriting is even more crucial. With an audience that can span globally, one needs to get their message right and be able to strike a chord with potential customers through just a screen. 

What Makes Good Copywriting?

Every writer has a style, just as every business has a unique voice and tone. However, certain elements contribute to creating effective copy that can help your website stand out in a crowded digital space.

For a good copywriter, it takes a combination of creativity, research, and strategy to craft content that resonates with your target audience.


At its core, copywriting is creative writing in a business setting. It’s the ability to use language that evokes emotion, captures attention, and ultimately persuades the reader to take action.

A good copywriter can blend storytelling techniques with marketing strategies to create compelling content that connects emotionally with the audience. After establishing a connection, the intention to take action is made.


Good copywriting is more than just pretty words; it’s backed up by research. A skilled copywriter invests time in understanding their target audience, their various pain points, and what motivates them. 

This information helps to craft messaging that speaks directly to the reader and addresses their needs.


The best copywriters know that their words must serve a purpose. They strategically use persuasive language, call-to-actions, and relevant keywords to guide the reader toward taking a desired action. 

A website with good copywriting will have a clear message, strong branding, and a cohesive tone to help facilitate its content strategy (leaving a lasting impression). And, proper SEO is one of the most important things to include as well.

How Do You Know If Your Website Has Good Copywriting?

Now that you understand what goes into crafting the perfect copy, it’s time to assess your own writing (on your business website, that is). 

Here are a few signs that indicate you have good copywriting on your website:

  • Engaging Headlines: Your headlines should be compelling and draw the reader in. They should pique their interest and make them want to continue reading.
  • Clear and Concise Messaging: Good copy uses short sentences, gets straight to the point, and is easily understood. It should tell the reader what they need to know without any confusion.
  • Value-Driven Content: Your copy should provide value and keep the reader’s attention, whether it’s through informative blog posts, engaging product descriptions, or entertaining social media posts.
  • Consistent Branding: A cohesive tone and consistent branding across all your written content help establish a strong brand identity and build trust with your audience.
  • High Conversion Rates: Ideally, good copywriting should lead to higher conversion rates. If you’re seeing an increase in sales, inquiries, or newsletter sign-ups, it’s a good indication that your website’s copy is working.

Examples of Copywriting 

While it’s important to identify the signs of good copywriting, it’s equally crucial to recognize when copy falls short. Consider the example of “Old Axe” body spray for men. 

A lackluster piece of copy for this product may read: “Buy Old Axe body spray for men. It smells good.” This copy is vague, uninteresting, and does not provide any value to the reader. 

Sure, it might appear funny at face value, especially if Keanu Reeves were the spokesperson. But the copy itself? Not so great.

Here’s another example of Old Axe trying to appeal to its target audience of… well, just men in general: 

“When you wear Old Axe, the ladies will come flocking to you. Trust us, we know.” 

This copy not only reinforces harmful gender stereotypes but also lacks creativity and value. Which may not be the brand awareness strategy worth investing in.

Examples of Good Copywriting

Enticing the Matured Gentlemen: Old Axe’s Witty Rebranding

To captivate the sophisticated tastes of men over forty, Old Axe did their homework and crafted a campaign grounded in wit and mature charm. 

They introduced their new line of body deodorants with the tagline: “Old Axe – Defining Sophistication for the Modern Man.” This slogan within sales copy targets an audience who appreciates traditional masculine scents but is also conscious of the evolving definition of masculinity.

The campaign smartly steers clear of outdated stereotypes and instead celebrates classic gentlemanly qualities. Old Axe positions its product as an emblem of confidence, not an implausible magnet of attraction. 

One clever section of ad copy on their website reads: “Redefine your aura with a scent that speaks of experience. Old Axe – because a true gentleman’s appeal is timeless.” Each product is named after a virtue of character such as ‘Integrity’ and ‘Fortitude,’ nodding to qualities that resonate with their target demographic.

Old Axe’s rebranding achieves a balance of nostalgia and modern sensibility, thus appealing to men who yearn for quality and authenticity in a non-toxic framework. Their research revealed that this age group values elegance over bravado. 

It’s also worth mentioning that the copywriters still used simple language with a blend of just the right words, resulting in a more refined copy that speaks directly to the heart of being comfortable in one’s own skin as a man.

My conversions are low. I think my copy needs help!

It happens to everyone, from small business owners to content creators, but here’s the good news: it’s ok! Effective copywriting will naturally evolve as your business grows, your audience changes, and new marketing strategies emerge. 

If you feel like your website’s copy could use some improvement, consider seeking out professional copywriting services. A skilled copywriter can help you identify areas for improvement and craft compelling content that resonates and leads to higher conversions.

 If you’re trying to write your own creative copy, here are our picks for the best copywriting tips we can pass on, to help you enhance your copywriting skills.

Best Practices for a Great Copywriter to Follow

1. Know Your Audience

To emotionally connect with a specific audience, you must know who they are. Take the time to research your target market, their preferences, and needs. This goes beyond just looking at demographics—it’s getting into the conversation already happening in potential customers’ minds.

2. Keep it Simple

Good copy is easy to read and understand. Avoid using complicated words or industry-specific jargon. Instead, use clear, concise language that conveys your message without confusion.

3. Make It Emotional

People are more likely to take action when they feel an emotional connection with a product or service. Use storytelling, humor, and other techniques to tap into your audience’s emotions and create a connection.

4. Focus on Benefits

Many copywriters make a critical mistake by solely emphasizing the product’s quality, overlooking what the customer gains.

In reality, excellence alone holds little value if it doesn’t contribute to personal growth. Emphasize how your product or service will enhance the customer’s life and bring them tangible benefits. 

5. Use a Strong Call-to-Action

When analyzing your content marketing strategy and existing copy, you might discover that the call to action is the very thing it’s missing! 

Your call to action should be direct. The more point-blank, the better! 

6. Test and Revise

Don’t be afraid to test and revise your copy. 

Use A/B testing to experiment with different messaging, compelling subject lines, and various calls-to-action to see what resonates best with your audience. 

Remember, the higher your conversation rate, the best your marketing copy resonated!

The Power of Good Copywriting

Good copywriting can make all the difference in how potential customers perceive your brand and ultimately influence their buying decisions. It’s a powerful tool to help your website landing pages stand out and attract the right audience. 

By incorporating creativity, research, and strategy into your copywriting efforts, you can create content that engages, persuades, and converts your readers into loyal customers. So take the time to assess and improve your website’s copy with more of your own creative ideas – it will be worth it in the long run!

Ready to enhance your website’s impact with a compelling copy that truly speaks to your audience? Need support for your own unique writing style? From captivating storytelling to persuasive calls to action, our Sunrise Virtual Assistant Services team crafts content that resonates and converts. 

Don’t let ineffective copy or a lack of e-mail marketers on your team hold you back. Contact us today and start your journey to clear, creative, and customer-focused copywriting that grows your brand.