The Role and Qualities of a Good Business Mentor


It does not matter if you’ve finished formal schooling, we are constantly learning, constantly growing. As you work to building a business or work up the ranks in your career path it is so helpful to your personal and business growth to have a good business mentor.

The relationship between a mentor and mentee should work for both parties, both should be giving and taking.

The role of the mentor

There are many roles mentors can take in the relationship with a mentee.

The mentor can be…

  • A teacher
  • A Sponsor
  • A cheerleader
  • A friend
  • A counselor

Characteristics of a good mentor

Willingness to Share

A good mentor is willing to share his knowledge and expertise to their mentee. They are willing to teach and understands the relationship is not something to be taken lightly. A good mentor takes a personal interest in their mentee and truly wishes for their success.


A good mentor is able to display important characteristics necessary to be successful in their field. Teaching their mentee by being an example.

Provides Guidance and Constructive Feedback

A good mentor can help their mentee learn and understand their strengths and weaknesses. They are able to provide constructive feedback. They are able to communicate with their mentee in a manner they are able to understand and accept.

How to find and keep a good mentor

  1. Find someone you want to be like. A mentor should be someone you admire. Someone you look up to and someone who is successful in a manner you wish to achieve.
  2. Decide what specific role you’d like your mentor to be to you. How do you want the relationship to work? What do you hope to get from the relationship? What are your goals?
  3. Meet with the person you’d like to mentor you and have a one on one conversation. Discuss your goals and need for mentoring.
  4. Make sure the relationship remains mutually beneficial
  5. Show your appreciation

Differences between a mentor and coach

There are some very important differences between having a mentor and having a coach, specifically the duration of the relationship. Coaches typically observe and comment on specific situations and behaviors. Coaching tends to focus on specific behaviors.

Mentoring tends to be a more long-term relationship sharing knowledge, experience, and support.

What are your business goals and how can a mentor help you achieve them?



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