Rich Pins on Pinterest: Absolutely Everything You Need To Know


Are you looking to level up your Pinterest game and unlock the full potential of this social media platform for your online business or blog? Learning how to implement and effectively utilize Rich Pins is the solution you’ve been searching for! 

Rich Pins on Pinterest provide a visually appealing and informative edge over standard pins and significantly enhance user engagement and traffic to your website. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into everything you need to know about Pinterest Rich Pins: from understanding what they are and how they differ from regular pins to the simple yet often overlooked steps to implement them seamlessly. As you embark on this journey, you can indeed look forward to expanding your online presence as a skilled Pinterest user backed by the power of Rich Pins.

What Are Rich Pins?

Rich Pins are a special type of Pinterest Pin containing extra information and features. Rich Pins provide more context, making it easier for users to learn and take action. They also make it easier for brands to track performance and engagement metrics.

There are four different types of rich pins; article, recipe, product, and app. Each type has different information associated with it that will be displayed on the pin when it is shared or saved. Article rich pins include a headline, author name, and description; recipe rich pins have ingredients, serving size, and cooking times; product rich pins have pricing info; app rich pins include ratings.

Pinterest’s rich pins also feature larger images than regular types of pins to make them stand out from other content on the platform. This helps boost engagement as people are likelier to click on visually appealing posts than those with small images or text-only content. 

Additionally, Rich Pins can link back to the original website with each pin so that users can easily find more information about the topic they’re interested in. 

Benefits of Rich Pins

Rich Pins are a powerful tool for businesses, entrepreneurs, and creatives to promote their brands on Pinterest. With Rich Pins, users can showcase more detailed information about products and services right on the pin itself, providing an extra incentive for followers to click through to the website or blog post behind the pin.

Regarding the benefits of rich pins, one of their most valuable aspects is that they enable businesses and influencers to create a much more engaging experience with their followers and target audience. With Rich Pins, content can be presented in an aesthetically pleasing way with additional information that highlights key features of the product or service being promoted. This makes it easier for Pinterest users to quickly grasp what’s being offered without needing to click away from the page. 

Another advantage of using Rich Pins is that they have direct links to the main website or associated blog posts. This means that sites will get more traffic from users who find their pins through search results and have a better chance to gain potential customers who may have yet to see them. Not only does this help increase visibility for websites and blogs, but it also helps if someone has clicked on a link but needs to remember where it came from – They can now easily return by simply clicking on the link provided by the Rich Pin. 

Additionally, Rich Pins vastly improve user engagement by directly adding video and audio transcripts onto pins so that viewers can listen or watch while browsing through Pinterest boards. This can be especially useful if you want to quickly share an informative video or podcast episode with your audience. Plus, some types of Rich Pins even offer “buy buttons,” which allow users to purchase specific items directly from within Pinterest itself! 

Finally, Rich Pins also allow businesses to add reviews, product information, and ratings straight onto pins themselves so that potential customers can make better-informed decisions about whether or not they want to try something out before making a purchase. This provides invaluable feedback for businesses, increases brand awareness, and helps potential consumers gauge whether something is worth buying based on others’ experiences with it. 

Overall, Pinterest-rich pins are an incredibly effective marketing tool available on Pinterest which allows businesses, entrepreneurs, and creatives alike to showcase their products in a visually appealing way while adding extra information such as reviews, ratings, and other details that allow their followers to make better decisions when choosing what products they want to engage with further.

How To Set Up Rich Pins

Setting up rich pins on Pinterest requires a few steps but is relatively easy overall. 

First, you will need to go into the settings of your account and select “Claim Your Website.” This will require you to verify that you own the website in question by pasting some code into the website’s backend (or using Google Tag Manager). Once this step is complete, you can begin setting up your pin types within your Pinterest business account. 

For the next step, you must create individual Rich Pins for each type of content you wish to use with Rich Pins. You will have several options, such as product pins and article pins, which come with specific metadata fields like pricing, list of ingredients, author names, etc.

Once all desired pin types are created, it is time to add meta tags onto the HTML code of your website pages (for example, in WordPress sites, this would be done through the Yoast SEO Plugin, which is honestly the easiest way). This step requires adding special meta tags into the HTML code of each page where a rich pin may appear. 

These meta tags tell Pinterest what type of content is being shared and provide other valuable data such as description text and images associated with each item pinned from your site. It also helps ensure that only valid pins can be created from your site when someone attempts to repin something on their account. 

It is also worth noting that while most webpages will automatically be eligible for rich pins once they include the relevant metatags but depending on your business type, you may still need to apply through Pinterest’s review process if you want access to certain features, such as real-time pricing updates or stock availability tracking. 

If your site meets all necessary criteria, congratulations – as of 9/28/22, no further validation or application process is needed!  All that’s left is adding the proper metadata onto the appropriate web pages, and then you can start enjoying all the benefits of having your own unique set of Rich Pins.

In conclusion – setting up Rich Pins on Pinterest isn’t particularly difficult but does take some technical know-how depending on how proficient web coding/HTML skills one has (or using third-party plugins like Yoast SEO). 

Still, if done correctly, having even just a few essential items appear in rich pin format across specific pages/posts can make all the difference when trying to maximize engagement levels within one’s target audience!

Need Help With Your Pinterest Strategy

Sunrise Virtual Assistance Services has extensive experience helping businesses take their Pinterest marketing strategy to the next level with our comprehensive Pinterest management services. We can help you enable rich pins through our services so that you can take advantage of this fantastic tool immediately.

We understand that setting up Rich Pins may seem intimidating at first, but our experienced team can help guide you every step of the way so that you can get started quickly without any issues. We will work closely with you to create a strategy tailored specifically to your business needs, considering factors such as budget, audience size, goals, content types, and more. We’ll also ensure that all your pins have the necessary meta tags attached to be classified as Rich Pins on Pinterest’s search engines. 

Once we have enabled Rich Pins on your account, we can review Pinterest analytics regularly to track progress over time and make adjustments when needed. This will allow us to optimize performance while ensuring your pins are always providing maximum value for users who come across them on Pinterest’s search engine or within other boards related to what they’re looking for. 

And yes-coupled with our content creation services, we can also create engaging Pinterest pins for you too!

At Sunrise Virtual Assistance Services, we also provide ongoing support so that you’re never left feeling overwhelmed by having too much responsibility placed upon yourself or staff members who might not have adequate knowledge in this area. It’s why we’re considered one of the most reliable virtual assistance companies in the industry today – offering only top-notch quality services at competitive prices! 

With our comprehensive Pinterest support and management services, enabling Rich Pins has never been easier! Contact us today if you would like further information about how we can help improve your presence on Pinterest with high-quality rich pins that drive conversions for your business like never before!